Text To Speech#

This is the API Reference documentation for Text to Speech service.

This endpoint converts a given text input into speech. The response contains the link to an audio file.

class slashml.TextToSpeech(api_key: str = None)[source]#

Text To Speech Service

class ServiceProvider(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
AWS = 'aws'#
GOOGLE = 'google'#
classmethod choices()[source]#
execute(text: str, service_provider: slashml.text_to_speech.TextToSpeech.ServiceProvider)[source]#

Waits for the job to be completed before returning a response

status(job_id: str, service_provider: slashml.text_to_speech.TextToSpeech.ServiceProvider)[source]#

Check job status

submit_job(text: str, service_provider: slashml.text_to_speech.TextToSpeech.ServiceProvider)[source]#

Submit Job to server