Dash + Render Deployment#


Render is a unified cloud to build and run all your apps and websites with free TLS certificates, a global CDN, DDoS protection, private networks, and auto deploys from Git.

Create Account#

To deploy this demo on Render, you first need to login or create an account on Render and navigate to your Render Dashboard.

Blueprint Instances#

Then, naviagate to BlueprintsNew Blueprint Instance

Navigate Blueprints

Connect Repo#

Under Public Git repository, set the URL to https://github.com/slashml/dash-demo

Connect Repo

Blueprint Name: Give your Blueprint a unique name.

Branch: Each demo is on a different branch. Select the demo that you want to deploy from the dropdown

Create Blueprint#

Once you have set Blueprint Name and Branch, press Apply

Create Blueprint

Wait for the blueprint to deploy the web-service, which you can see in the Dashboard.

View Deployment#

Navigate to Dashboard and click on your newly created service.

You can find the URL of the deployed web-service at the top of the page.

Deployed URL